Case Study Scenario: You are the recently appointed head of a security team responsible for protecting the information holdings of Innovations IT which is a consulting agency for IT based technologies comprising of 1500 staffs. The organization locates in the central business district of the city. The security team is responsible for administering the security of information from deliberate and accidental threats. The recent information security management team found that the security has not been properly addressed in some key areas such as incident response, disaster recovery, business continuity, social engineering attacks and lack of personnel awareness of the various threats to information, and poor password security. The above issues identified needed urgent remedy. Technical systems were found to be reasonably effective in maintaining database and document management security, and were well serviced by the IT team. As the head of the team, it becomes your responsibility to ask your team to analyze the possible threats and provide a report on the detailed security countermeasures for all the possible threats.
As a part of the security analysis, the tasks of the team are to:
a) Identify and describe the organizational holdings (assets) at risk b) Identify and describe the potential security threats to the organization c) Design the necessary security counter-measures to manage and address the threats d) Develop a comprehensive information security training and awareness program for the users of the organization belonging to the different levels of the organizational hierarchy

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