Divrsty/Stress/Heallth Class:
For this activity, you are asked to identify and describe one stereotype presented in the video Killing Us Softly 4 and compare that message with current media advertisements. To accomplish the comparison, find one example from current media advertisements that reinforces the stereotype and one that counters the stereotype.
Prepare a short PowerPoint Media Stereotypes Then and Now talk to share with the class on Tuesday, April 6.
The presentation should be about 3 minutes in length and include the following:
- A description and image of the Killing Us Softly 4 Video stereotype and why this is a harmful stereotype that needs to be addressed.
- Include evidence to support your assertion about the negative effects of the stereotype.
- An image of the current media advertisement reinforcing the stereotype.
- Be prepared to describe and discuss the implications and consequences of the advertisement.
- An image of the current media advertisement countering the stereotype.
- Be prepared to describe and discuss the implications and consequences of the advertisement.
- Conclude with a summary and analysis of the progress made to counter the stereotype and where improvements are still needed. Think about the gaps, what is beginning addresses and what has been left out.
The best approach to this type of brief presentation is an Assertion-Evidence talk. Here is a brief outline of this method:
- Build your talk on messages, not topics.
- Support messages with visual evidence instead of bullet points.
- Rather than reading notes or slides, sentences are fashioned on the spot.
- Structure the presentation with an introduction that orients the audience to the message, arrange the content logically, and summarize the information at the end.
Here is a link to examples of Assertion-Evidence talks https://www.assertion-evidence.com/principles.html