Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Psychology
Words : 1000
Task : you must discuss and critically analyse your recent purchase of a product or service based on the 5-step Consumer Decision Making Process. ( Product is JBL headset )
In your analysis, you need to explain and demonstrate the steps, along with your identification of any possible issues that occurred during this process. The findings presented in the report must be based on primary research and can be reinforced by analysis of relevant secondary data.
Report should analysis the followings :
1. Identify and analyse the need and want that led you to the purchase of the chosen product or service.
2. Identify and examine the internal and external sources of information that you used in making your decision to buy the chosen product or service.
3. Evaluate alternatives and narrow down the attributes of the chosen product or service that satisfy your need and want.
4. Identify and analyse available purchase methods to determine how these methods impacted on your decision-making process.
5. Analyse your post-purchase behaviour by identifying the features of the chosen product or service that reduce cognitive dissonance. Please note that in this step, the topic of customer satisfaction should not be considered.
You are required to use at least 6 sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Style..

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