Identify an organisation that has been affected by a major change in its business environment over the last 5 years. Write a short business report that:-


  • Identifies and provides a brief introduction to your chosen organisation
  • Describes, explains and evaluates the impact of the key changes in the business environment impacting on the organisation, using appropriate analytical tools and models.
  • Identifies, on the basis of the above assessment, how the organisation is responding or failing to respond to the changing business environment.


The organisation can be based in any part of the world and can be public sector, a not-for-profit or a for-profit organisation.  Before commencing your report please check that you have access to sufficient credible information in the public domain to be able to justify your claim that the organisation has been impacted by major change in their business environment and to adequately answer the question.


Performance is judged against the following criteria:

  • Relevance to question(s)
  • Organisation, structure and presentation
  • Depth of understanding
  • Analysis and discussion
  • Use of sources and referencing
  • Overall conclusions

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