1.Michael Clay, a registered nurse on the tenth-floor ICU, had just completed his fifth night of work and was looking forward to having the next two days off. The unit had been filled to capacity and extremely busy. As Michael was leaving, the charge nurse approached him and asked if he would work one more night because they were really short staffed. He paused and, looking exhausted, said, “OK, but this is it.” At the same time, Stephanie, another RN, walked into the report room and was greeted with “What are you doing here today? I thought you were off.” Stephanie said, “I was called at five this morning to come in and help.” Another nurse, Jane, joined the group and said, “I feel like quitting. I couldn’t even take a break last night.” The charge nurse, who overheard the conversation, said, “You are aware of the fact that we lost three permanent staff members, and their positions have not been filled. Frankly, I’m not sure if those positions will be filled by RNs or technicians.” She went on: “Several proposals are being considered, including flexible hours, innovative staffing patterns, and self-scheduling. The aim is to provide autonomy and flexibility to the current and potential staff.”

• What kind of staffing patterns should be offered?

• How much flexibility should be suggested?

• How would you handle financial compensation for part- and full-time staff?

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