Case Study #1: Planning and Organizing | |
Instructions | |
Case Study #1: Planning and Organizing
Students will read the case study that focuses on mission and vision, organizational structure and change and organizational culture and respond to the following requirements.
You have been hired as a consultant to help Joseph Jackson solve his organizational problems. You are to create a mini-management plan that structures the entire company. The mini-management plan will include a mission and vision, structure and culture.
Resource that will help you develop the mini-management plan:
How to Make a Management Plan
Required Elements to Include in the Management Plan:
o Explain why the structure is the most appropriate structure for Cyber Software, Inc; o Explain why the other structures were not selected. (Must be accurate and use critical thinking when detailing why you chose a structure over another.) o Illustrate the structure with an organizational chart with names, job titles, and direct reports; o Develop profiles (bio that focuses on the jobs held including current position) for the management team (Be creative);
Required Formatting of the Management Plan:
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