How should a transnational company deal with social media rumors that could damage its business?
How should companies deal with whistleblowers at home and abroad?
What roles are social networking websites and blogs playing today in the international scrutiny and exposure of corporate practices?
Case question(required):
Looking at the interview style of “60 Minutes,” do you think it was advisable for the Coors executive to go for an interview at all? If so, what preparations should have been made?

  • Argenti,
    • Chapter 6
    • Case: “Adolf Coors Company”
  • Nagy, Jenette and Stephen B. Fawcett. Proclaiming your Dream: Vision and Mission Statements.Community Tool Box.
  • Swallow, Erica. “10 Tips for Corporate Blogging.” Mashable, 10 July 2010.
  • Metzl, James F. “Network Diplomacy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2001.
  • Naim, Moises. “Digital Diplomacy.” Carnegie Endowment for Peace, January/February 2001.


  • Hall, Star: Social Media for Local Business.TED (video)
  • Jason Clay, Jason.How big brands can help save biodiversity.TED (video)

Two pages, each question answer should have reference or sources in it.

Document Preview:

How should a transnational company deal with social media rumors that could damage its business?How should companies deal with whistleblowers at home and abroad? What roles are social networking websites and blogs playing today in the international scrutiny and exposure of corporate practices? Case question (required): Looking at the interview style of “60 Minutes,” do you think it was advisable for the Coors executive to go for an interview at all? If so, what preparations should have been made? Reading: Argenti,  Chapter 6 Case: “Adolf Coors Company” Nagy, Jenette and Stephen B. Fawcett. P HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” roclaiming your Dream: Vision and Mission Statements. Community Tool Box. Swallow, Erica. ” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” 10 Tips for Corporate Blogging.” Mashable, 10 July 2010. Metzl, James F. ” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Network Diplomacy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2001. Naim, Moises. ” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Digital Diplomacy.” Carnegie Endowment for Peace, January/February 2001. Recommended: Hall, Star: Social Media for Local Business. TED (video) Jason Clay, Jason. How big brands can help save biodiversity. TED (video) Instructions: Two pages, each question answer should have reference or sources in it.

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