San Diego City College Profile Presentation. At least 20 slides.
If possible, please make slides in the school colors
Based on Power Point Presentation
Presentation Required Elements
School Background
• Brief History, Location, Demographic Information on Students, Composition of Faculty, SES of
the residents surrounding the campus
Mission and Institutional Vision
• How do these play into how the campus operates? Initiatives that are supported?
Leadership Structure- What divisions? Is it a one college district or several colleges in one?
Most Popular Programs
• How many students? What are the features of the program? Noted faculty and alumni?
Student Life (any athletics, special clubs, what are students talking about?)
Campus Distinctions-what do they do or have done well?
Campus Successes
• Degrees Awarded, Transfer Rates, ROI in the community
Campus Challenges- achievement gap, food/housing insecurities, disproportionately impacted
populations, financial, DPS???? Where does the school have work to do?
How is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting this campus? What strategies is the campus using to continue
instruction, student services, maintain staff, etc…?