Value: 15%Due Date: 30-Jul-2021Return Date: 20-Aug-2021Length: 500 wordsGroup Assessment: NoSubmission method options: Alternative submission method
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This assessment is part of Assignment 2 and its purpose is to ensure that our MGT210 group is prepared for the group work in Assignment 2.


TASK: Create a report outline addressing the following tasks in Assignment 2:

  • What is ageism, what causes it, and what are its consequences for older employees and employers? (Stereotyping (Wood et al., 2019, pp. 67-8))
  • How is Ben dealing with ageism as the key organisational constraint he is facing (goal failure and goal achievement)? (The work-effort motivation cycle (Wood et al., 2019, p. 87); self efficacy (Wood et al., 2019, p. 106; 131))
  • What is Ben’s efficacy, instrumentality and valence? (Vroom’s expectancy theory (Wood et al., pp. 101-104)) 

    Report outline contains key ideas, arguments, and findings contained in the report expressed clearly and concisely. These are later expanded on and further developed in the full report. You can think of a report outline as a detailed version of the executive summary, it informs a reader about the content of the report in sufficient detail so that the reader can quickly familiarize themselves with the key ideas and findings of the report. Please use dot-points in your report outline.


    Submit your report outline as a Word document via turnitin.


    For this assignment you are expected to:

    1) Familiarize yourself with our OB Topics 1-3, and take time to understand key concepts and theories used in this assignment.

    2) Research academic literature on ageism in the workplace, and use key arguments in your report outline.

    3) Watch movie The Intern as this is the case study and the context for this assignment. Take notes while watching the movie in regards to examples relevant to the key OB concepts and theories used in this assignment. The movie is available for you to watch in Informit EduTV:

    4) Use the textbook and at least three journal articles as references.

    5) You are expected to use the APA7 style of referencing. Include the reference list at the end of the report outline.


    Note: Individual outlines should be shared with the group. The group should review and discuss strengths and limitations of the members’ outlines and refine ideas to use in the final report. Such a collaborative discussion and feedback should encourage the group’s commitment, contributions and collaboration.

    Engage with the marker

    In order to receive more meaningful feedback on your assignment, please add comments/questions for the marker on the first page of your assignment. This can include your thoughts on what you think you have done well or not so well in your assignment, questions on how to improve certain aspects of your assignment, etc.


    The first assessment is based on MGT210 Topics 1-3.

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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to identify and explain the contemporary Organisational Behaviour (OB) theories and concepts about behaviour of people in organisations as individuals or as members of collective groups and cultures.
  • be able to explain what motivates individuals’ behaviour in organisations and create suggestions for managing their behaviour based on OB theories and concepts.


This task also contributes to the assessment of the following Charles Sturt Graduate Learning Outcome/s:

  • Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) – Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and evidence.
  • Digital Literacies (Knowledge) – Charles Sturt Graduates understand professional, social and cultural implications of the global use of technology.
  • Digital Literacies (Application) – Charles Sturt Graduates ethically, legally, safely and critically use technology to select, create and share information and participate in online learning, professional and social communities.

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