question 1 :Then, use the video to define the term Metacognition as it applies to studying for exams. [Write at least 3 sentences to earn full credit.]

question 2 :How do you know when you’ve studied enough for an exam? In other words, how do you know when you’ve understood your course material [Write at least 2 complete sentences]? How does that relate to the definition of metacognition that you gave above [Write at least ANOTHER 2 complete sentences]?

question 3 :

Then please write a definition of the planning fallacy based on this video. [Write at least 3 sentences for full credit].

question 4 : Think about the planning fallacy as it applies to your own life. Have you ever experienced it? Do you give yourself enough time to prepare for exams, to write a paper, or to complete some project at work? Below, write an example of a time in your life when you experienced the planning fallacy. Write at least 4 sentences.

question 5 : This is your final question for this homework.

Given everything that you’ve just reviewed, how will you prepare for Exam 3? And why will you prepare in that way? [Write at least 3 sentences for full credit].

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