John is 24 and living at home with his parents, William and Jan. John works and contributes a little toward the food budget. However, his parents find that his living at home strains their relationship. John has a new car and insists that because it is new, it should have a place in the garage. His father often transports clients in his car, and though his car is older, he thinks it should be parked inside so it will remain clean. Jan often intercedes in her son’s behalf: “Oh, William, it’s his first new car, let him use the garage.” This angers William, and he sometimes feels as though it’s two against one. He also has wanted a den for years and would like to convert John’s bedroom into one. When he encourages John to look for his own place, Jan says that he is “throwing John out.” “We should be happy that he wants to be with us,” she adds. However, Jan does find it difficult when John has his friends over. They take over the living room and television, leaving her and William with little to do but retreat to their bedroom.

1. Who should keep their car in the garage? Why?

2. Do you still live with your parents? What kind of problems does this pose for you? Your parent?

3. How are the problems of living with parents changed when a child returns home after being on his/ her own?

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