Define heart attack
Population at risk
Heredity/family history/poor diet/obesity etc
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Signs and symptoms
How can it be prevented?
How is it diagnosed?
What should the patient be aware of in terms of signs and symptoms?
If patient is taking medications to treat the condition
Are there any specific surgeries if needed?
Medications list the ones that are important
patient is taking medications why it is important to take them, side effects etc
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What is the standard of treatment for said condition?
What areas of body are affected?
What is the long term prognosis for the patient?
How would a person trained in first aid provide treatment before the ambulance arrived?
Will this patient need home care?
Rehabilitation; long term? short term?
Quality of life, mobility
Keeping scheduled doctors appointments
Patient and family education
Ongoing research
Support groups – Why???
A mus: 3 references
one from medical encyclopedia
one from Advanced First aid, Emergency care and Safety Institute (AFA) Edition 7th
and one from American Physchological Association