This assignment is designed for you to examine global health goals and health disparities. You will select one Millennium Developmental Goal (MDG) and explore a specific outcome measurement (indicator) for a country of your choice to determine the progress towards achieving the MDG. In addition, you will explore nursing roles that would be helpful in achieving the MDG.

We use the term “health disparities” to describe the phenomenon of different health outcomes of varied groups within a particular community. Access the Virtual Library and search in the CINAHL full text database the term “health disparity.” Choose at least two articles that describe health disparities of a particular population or group of people (gender, ethnic, or cultural minority). Write a 4-5 page APA formatted paper. No more than five pages of content will be accepted. A minimum of five scholarly references are required for this paper.


Include an introductory paragraph that explains the importance of the World Health Organization and the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs). Provides details. End with a clearly worded purpose statement.

Global Health Goals

Select one MDG and include a description of that goal and discuss how the MDG is important to global health.

Country and Goal Progress

Select any country (from module four list). Explain the country’s current status in relation to the outcome measurement being used to represent progress of the chosen MDG. Describe how the country is on track to meet this MDG or not. Include data and details.

Nursing Roles

Select two nursing roles and explain how each role can help the country achieve the chosen MDG. Provides details.

Health Disparity and Findings

Explain the term health disparity and discuss how health disparities can impact vulnerable or underserved populations. Choose one population or particular group (ethnic or cultural, underserved, vulnerable group) and describe a health disparity occurring among this group. Includes evidence, facts, and details.

Nursing Strategies

Discuss how nursing can help to eliminate this disparity or health inequality. Discuss two nursing strategies for improving the health disparity or health inequality (such as access to care, health education, health promotion and prevention, earlier screenings).


Summarize discussion of your paper.


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Atheism is defined as the absence of belief in divine beings. Can atheism be thought of as a religion? Answer this question by applying the ideas discussed in chapter 1 of Religions of the West Today. More specifically, consider the “key elements” of religious practice identified on p. 8 of the text. Does atheism manifest any of these? In what ways? Be specific about the patterns found in religious stories discussed on pp. 16 – 20 of the text. Does atheism imply a mythic structure similar to any of the four types discussed there? Be specific as you consider the features of religious experience and traditions identified throughout chapter 1. There is no correct answer to this question. This assignment does not require that you do any research on atheism or atheist groups, and research like that is likely to distract you from answering the question in your own words. To do well on this assignment you should carefully reread chapter 1 of the textbook and then thoughtfully apply the ideas discussed there to the general idea of atheism understood as the absence of belief in divine beings. Notice that you’re being asked whether atheism can be thought of as a religion. So as you consider the general idea of not believing in divine beings, ask yourself whether a person who affirms that general belief can a) experience anything as sacred, b) be affected by any mythic or symbolic story that provides them with a general sense of their place in the universe, c) participate in anything like ritual actions that provide them with a rhythm of meaningful activity in their lives, d) feel tied in any way to a community held together (at least in part) by a narrative expressing basic beliefs, e) feel bound in any sense by a set of moral principles related to such basic beliefs, or f) recognize and submit themselves to authoritative knowledge about reality held by individuals who possess that knowledge.

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