PPT Presentation: Written Assignment: Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Using the information you wrote about in your Week 8 Written Assignment (below):
• Describe a time when you experienced ineffective communication in a business environment. – Discuss at least three (3) reasons why you perceived the communication to be ineffective, and explain the resulting impact to the business. Using your paper submitted in week 8 above – Prepare a 5-7 slide PPT presentation where you include the following in your slides:
• Introductory slide introducing yourself . A slide detailing the miscommunication at work A slide detailing the Communication Process (Chapter 1)
• Where and why in the Communication Process you believe the miscommunication to have occurred.
• Aslide detailing the Factors that influence an Organization's Communication (Chapter 1) Closing slide to include a summary, references (1-3 minimum) The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Explain the elements that foster effective communication in business.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in business
• Write clearly and concisely about business issues using proper writing mechanics.