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In this portion of the course project, you will continue working with the organization you selected earlier. You will extend your analysis by defining critical success factors and KPIs for each of the strategic dimensions and SMART objectives you developed in Section 1.

Complete and submit Section 2 of the BA Plan Template, including the following

  • For each of the three SMART objectives you identified in the Week 2 activity (one for each of three strategic dimensions of Product Innovation, Customer Intimacy, and Operational Excellence):
    • Describe two critical success factors you believe are most important for the organization to achieve this SMART objective. Critical success factors are specific actions the organization must take, or results they must produce, in order to achieve the objective. This should result in a total of six CSFs.
  • For each of these six critical success factors:
    • Define two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that could be used to monitor this critical success factor. This should result in a total of 12 KPIs.

IMPORTANT: This section should include 3 x 2 = 6 total critical success factors (2 for each SMART objective from Section 1); and 6 x 2 = 12 KPIs, (2 for each critical success factor).

Submit your BA Plan document including Section 1 (from week 2) and Section 2 (just added) to the Week 4: Course Project assignment.

Grading Criteria for Week 4

CategoryPointsPercentDescriptionCritical Success Factors (CSFs)
24 30%Two CSFs are clearly described for each of the three SMART objectives from Section 1, for a total of six CSFs. Each CSF is relevant to its associated objective.Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
40 50%Two KPIs are clearly defined for each of the six CSFs, for a total of 12 CSFs. Each KPI is specific, measurable, and relevant to the associated CSF. Writing, Editing, and Formatting
16 20%The section is written clearly and professionally; is substantially free of errors in spelling and grammar; and is formatted consistently and professionally. Total 80 100%

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