FoodVan is an online grocery and ready-to-eat meals delivery business that decided to analyse around a million transactions from almost 100,000 customers in their database so it could better understand what its customer wanted for their online grocery shopping. They also would like to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to better understand their customers, hence, improve their customer service. The vision of the company is “to be the go-to online store for food” by offering speed, convenience, choice, and price delivered to customers door within 30 minutes or less.
t used analytics to build a data-centric approach to its business. Their efforts bore so many results that the initial Proof of Concept (POC) reports identified that banana, grapes, peach, and pineapple were the most fruits their customers buy in 202x. As a result, they’ve realised that their big data could reveal insights they don’t know before which could even create new sources of revenue for the business (for example, fruit baskets as a product line for the five most popular fruits sold).

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