Five people are dissatisfed with communication within their company. Read the following text and think about the background to each complaint: • A grumbles to a colleague that she receives too little information from her boss about the decisions taken by the organisation. She is expected to pass on information in this area, but her boss rarely does this himself. Tis means that she learns about things too late, when she would have liked to participate at an earlier stage. • B complains about poor communication with his boss. He has received a written instruction to do certain jobs, although other activities are not yet fnished. Should he put these tasks aside? • C thinks it is impossible to consult with management. They do not listen to anyone. Once management has formed an opinion, it is difcult to change it. • D is annoyed with the many emails found in his in-box every day. Most of them are so unimportant that they can be deleted straight away. • E finds that her colleagues communicate very little. They never give out useful information spontaneously. Everything proceeds strictly factually and according to fxed codes. It is impossible to fnd out what people really think. She noticed that there was a lot of gossip about her in the beginning. a Indicate what went wrong in the communication process in situations A to E. b Indicate what can be done to improve communication
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