a) Identify and explain elements of a computer system.
b) Demonstrate and critically analyse proficiency with computing related mathematics
Computers operate in binary, which means that any sort of calculations are done using zeros and ones.
To understand how both hardware and software work together, we need to know not only their
architecture but also the language that they use. In this assessment, there are two aspects, the first is
for you to demonstrate your skills in critically analysing computing related mathematics. The second is
to reflect on your learning and demonstrate ideas in a professional manner.
• Review the learning resources for Module 3.1 – Module 4.2 (including Module 4.2) before
starting the assessment.
• You must write an essay about computing related mathematics and their
applications in our daily life specially in the context of information systems.
o Please make sure to include some examples and provide references for your
claims. To cite the reference, please conform to the APA referencing style.