PetCo vs Chewy
Financial & Corporate Strategy Comparison
To analyze and forecast the financial statements of two public listed retail firms with the ultimate aim of assessing their profit sustainability.
- Download their most recent annual reports.
- You will need to construct a spreadsheet to help you conduct your financial statement analysis: you can utilize the Starbucks spreadsheet as a template (see attached)
- The forecasted balance sheet and income statement should be for a maximum of five years.
- Use only the annual reports provided by the firms. Do not read research reports from analysts etc. Do your own independent analysis.
- Use end of fiscal year data even if the fiscal years end on different dates for the firms you are analyzing.
- You will be required to prepare a 10-page summary to inform a senior executive what you have learnt from your analysis. This analysis should not be chatty; it should be based solely on your business strategy and numerical/ratios analysis.
- Submit the write-up (IN WORD format) and your spreadsh