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When working with literature, a comparison and contrast essay asks the writer to explore the similarities and differences between types of characters, cultures, settings, plots, conflicts, themes, or other literary elements such as symbols, figurative language, tone, etc. The comparisons should not be arbitrary, but rather intended to exert some persuasion over your reader.

Evaluations or judgments about something often depend on a successfully executed comparison and contrast argument. For example, the implications when a character has a decision to make.  Compare and contrast is also a significant strategy for examining motives, outcomes, strategies and such not only among characters, but among authors.

Your job here is to write a thoughtful essay of between 1000 and 1200 words that compares and contrasts features of three of the works of literature from our syllabus  You must use MLA format to cite your sources, which should include not only your selected texts, but also any outside sources you use. Quotes and paraphrases should be used, and they should be correctly constructed within sentences that you create.

Note well: This essay requires secondary research; however, SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, and other similar sources are NOT appropriate. I suggest going to the library so you can access the JSTOR database. You should be accessing published scholarly criticism that has been vetted by literary professionals. The FAU library is available to you, as is the public county library wherever you live or work. Librarians are VERY helpful people. I strongly suggest that you speak with one and get some help accessing appropriate sources. Google won’t cut it!

Papers will be evaluated with generally the same criteria as the midterm. However, I will also be evaluating the strength and legitimacy of your sources. I will also be looking to see a sense of investment in your writing. In other words, I want to see that you haven’t just taken random texts and thrown them together. I want to see thoughtfulness and clear knowledge and understanding of the texts.

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