Choosing one of the topics listed below, write a 6-page comparison essay based on your own interpretation of the stories. Support your interpretation with specific evidence drawn from the texts of the stories themselves, and from a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 secondary sources. These must be scholarly sources: your grade will reflect the quality of your source material. Your research may focus on any ideas—psychological, historical, sociological or literary—pertinent to the issues being explored in these stories. Since this is a short paper, confine your analysis to no more than three or four major points, so that you are able to explain your ideas about both stories thoroughly. Format your comparison of the two stories in point-by-point format, rather than block format. This means that you will be discussing both stories in each section of your paper. Any sources you consult MUST be cited. Use MLA style to document any quotations, paraphrases, or examples drawn from the stories and reference materials. You must photocopy or print out the pages of your secondary sources from which you have taken either quotations or paraphrases. If you do not submit these photocopied pages, your paper will not be graded.


1. Explore and compare the phenomenon of “initiation” or “coming of age” as it is presented in two of the works we’ve studied. Possible approaches to this topic might be as follows: a) Is “coming of age” or initiation a “one-time thing,” or can it occur multiple times? b) What are the challenges or obstacles (social or personal) that might face a character on the brink of an initiation? c) What might be the price of initiation? Do the benefits outweigh the cost, or not? d) What might be the consequences of never having actually “come of age”?

2. ….and how these strategies may have both positive and negative effects.

3. In two of the stories covered this term, investigate how the authors present problems related to the presence and operation of power dynamics in personal and social relationships.

4. When rigid ideologies, worn-out social conventions, and/or overly romantic or narrowly rational outlooks dominate interpersonal relationships, individuals and even whole communities can suffer. Discuss this in relation to two of the stories we’ve discussed this term.

5. In many of the stories we’ve read, the writers work in a very purposeful way with narrative perspective to reveal information about different characters, events, themes, and even the narrator of the story. Explore the effectiveness and significance of point of view and narrative voice in two of the works we’ve studied this term. Marking Rubric and Writing Tips: Content / Argument (50%) Please note the word “argument.” DO NOT simply describe what occurs in a story. Propose interpretations which could be further discussed or debated (even disagreed with). Support your interpretation by analyzing the ideas and details contained in the stories. Please do express an opinion, but make sure to do so in relatively impersonal and clear language that is appropriate for an academic paper. Your opinion will be presented in a thesis statement consisting of one or two sentences in the introductory paragraph. (By the way, good thesis statements often lurk in the concluding paragraph of a first draft.) Grammar / Organization (40%) Common grammatical errors:

1) confusing “it’s” and “its”;

2) misusing apostrophes or not using them at all;

3) creating sentence fragments (every sentence needs a subject and a predicate and has to be able to stand on its own) or comma splices (using only a comma to join two independent clauses);

4) confusing semicolons and colons, or semicolons and commas (if you’re not sure how to use semicolons, DON’T!); and

5) (my recent favorite) using the word “women” to denote a singular subject. Give yourself enough time to edit and proofread your essay! Organization: There should be only one main idea per paragraph; sentences should be arranged in a logical order within each paragraph; and the paragraphs themselves should be arranged in a manner that allows your argument to unfold clearly. Develop the main idea in each paragraph with examples and ideas drawn from the stories and from your research, and be sure to fully explain and analyze these ideas and examples from your own point of view. If a paragraph contains less than three sentences, usually it is not sufficiently developed. Conversely, if your paragraphs are very long (over a page), be sure to double-check that you’re not discussing more than one main idea. If you are, separate the paragraphs and fully develop each idea on its own. MLA format (10%): In-text citations 5%, Works Cited page 5% Briefly, quotations and paraphrases in the body of your essay are followed by parentheses containing the author’s last name and the page number (not separated by a comma), and the sources themselves are listed on an alphabetical Works Cited page at the back of your essay. Make sure that you pay attention to small details. Consult a style guide! Length Requirement: If your paper is substantially shorter (by more than ½ a page) than the required length, marks will be deducted. If you pass in a 4 ½ page paper, for example, it can only earn about 80% of possible marks. If your paper is too short, look for places where you’ve skimped on analysis or the use of relevant examples to support your ideas. (If your paper is too long, edit and proofread carefully for repetition and wordiness.)

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