

Layout: Single spaced, please maintain the same font as this template, answer each question separately as it is laid-out in this template.


Total points: 100. Each question is weighted equally.


Due Date: Thursday, July 30 at 10:00 PM. No late submissions.



Q.1. Explain with examples, the concepts of standardization, adaptation, and global integration. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for each.





Q.2. Identify and explain 5 factors that may influence product/service quality in foreign markets. You can use either B2B or B2C products/services. Please provide examples.






Q.3. Discuss the significance of 6Cs of channel strategy. Use examples to justify your answer.






Q.4. List and discuss five factors that may influence a multinational firm’s pricing strategy in a foreign market. Use 3 examples to illustrate your answer.

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