Unit Learning Outcome Graduate Attributes Assessed

ULO 1: Examine the contribution of an ethical

GA 1: Communication
Schema to the good governance of the organization

GA 2: Collaboration

ULO 3: Evaluate ethical dilemmas in the global

GA 3: Research environment based on the knowledge of diverse

GA 4: Critical Thinking cultural and philosophical traditions that influence

GA 5: Ethical Behavior behavior.

GA 6: Flexibility

• Each group will chose a case study related to any ethical dilemmas relating to governance and operations of any current issue affecting at the local, national or global scale.
• The case study must not be from the text book.
• The case study must relate to the weekly topic.
• Research the history, analyze the situation, including all relevant stakeholders and their actions, using a variety of relevant ethical frameworks.
• Executive summary
• Introduction-
History/background: What is the issue at hand? Where is the issue prevalent? Why is it important?
• A brief history of the organization
• Discussion of the case
• Ethical Decision Making Approaches & Theories
o Explain which ethical decision making approaches and theories your relied upon to reach your conclusions and why.
• Summary/Conclusion
o Restate the importance of the issue
o Paint the picture of the world if your plan is or not implemented


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