Prepare a Training and/or Development Needs Assessment of an organisation/ organisational area that you are familiar with or have access to, based on the work you completed in assessment 1.

In undertaking this assessment please ensure that you are able to demonstrate an understanding of the process for assessing training and development needs. The Needs Assessment should identify one main training and / or development need and recommend options e.g. training programs that would address this need. In Assessment 3 you will develop these.

In your submission, you should:

Explain the reason for undertaking a needs assessment, this may include identification of performance gaps;
Explain and justify the method you have chosen to conduct the needs assessment;
Evaluate the needs assessment process used to determine if training and/or development is necessary; and
Examine possible outcomes if needs assessment is not properly planned or conducted.
Ensure that relevant academic literature is used to support your discussions. This should go beyond the text book and be current i.e. generally less than five years old.


This assessment will enable students to demonstrate their understanding of the various learning theories covered in Topics 2-5 and:


  • be able to identify and critically evaluate the environmental forces influencing Australian organisations;
    • be able to conduct a strategic needs analysis;
    • be able to apply relevant concepts in an organisational setting;
    • be able to synthesis and critically evaluate relevant academic literature, and
    • be able to apply practical reasoning to address real world problems.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

  • be able to recommend suitable learning theories that can be utilised in specific organisational environments; and
  • be able to conduct a strategic needs analysis for an organisation.



As this is a Masters level subject, it is assumed that you are familiar with the conventions of academic writing. In terms of requirements specific to this subject, you should observe the following:
• Use report format and avoid dot point in your discussions. Visit this link to find information about academic writing:;
• Include a title page that shows the subject code and name, your name and student number, the assignment title/number;
• Provide a table of contents , a brief introduction and conclusion- these are not included in the word count;
• Include a header showing the subject code, assignment number, your name and student number;
• Number each page;
• Use 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing;
• Do not use footnotes, endnotes or appendices.
• In-text citations and a reference list (not bibliography) must be provided when referencing information from the textbook;

Use the APA system of referencing. A guide on how to reference using this system is provided in the Study tab of your student homepage.

Word count does not include Executive Summary , Introduction , Conclusion,Material in Tables, Table of Contents, or References.

Please upload your assignment in Word format, not pdf.


Use a basic report format, as follows:

-Title page

– Table of contents

– Introduction (don’t need an executive summary)

– Body – headings and sub-headings, numbered

– Recommendations

– Summary.

Please show the total word count, excluding the title page and the referecne list, on the front cover of your paper


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