Essay – Individual – 20%
Topic: Diversity Management: The business case and the moral case
Due Date: Week 5 – Friday, August 31st – 5.00 PM
Tasks: Explain the linkages between the business case and moral case for diversity in organisations. Support your key arguments by sourcing ‘diversity statements disseminated/ publicised by Australian organisations to justify their claims for managing diversity.
Assessment criteria:
o Ability to draw extensively on theories and conceptual frameworks in your analysis

Ability to translate learning to an organisational setting while drawing on examples from organisations and integrating them to justify your arguments;
o Use of at least 5 relevant refereed/peer-reviewed journal articles and related texts;
o Appropriate presentation, including essay format, clear writing style and accurate use of the Harvard referencing system.
o Maximum words 2000.
o See Marking Criteria.


Mid-term Test (closed book) – 30%
Date: Week 8
The mid semester test will be conducted during your own tutorial time, in your own class room.
Venue: Your tutorial Class room
The Test will be a ‘closed book’ examination.
It will have three parts.
Part A – You must answer all the 10 questions (10 marks).
Part B – You have two answer 2 short essay questions out of 3 (10 marks)
Part C – You must attempt this case study (10 marks)
4) Group Report (20%) and Presentation(10%) – in groups of 3 or 4 students – 30%
Group Task – Due in Week 10 (20 + 10 = 30 Marks)
Topic: Understanding Diversity and Building Inclusive Organisations and Societies
Due Date: Week 10 – Wednesday, 10.00 A.M, October 10th, 2018
Your tasks: Choose one of the following videos –
 I’m Not Racist, But…

 The Event: How Racist Are You? Jane Elliott’s Blue Eyes Brown Eyes (Channel 4) (FULL)
Based on the events you have seen/observed, prepare an Analytical Report of peoples’ perceptions, thoughts and feelings within the context of ‘Understanding Diversity and Building Inclusive Organisations and Societies’
The following are the pointers that you may wish to consider in the preparation of the Report and it is suggested that your report should clearly address the following aspects.
 Explore how individuals and groups illustrate behaviours that contribute to discrimination.
 Identify the different views/approaches through the experiences of people involved in the event and underlying theories
 What is (are) the significance/meaning based on the events that have occurred?

 Identify the situations in which discrimination has taken place, situations that have been managed poorly, and situations in which oversensitivity has occurred.
 What are the implications of having a diverse group of people in contemporary organisations?
 What is your understanding of the events that you were exposed to:
(a) In terms of cultural/ethnic/racial differences; and
(b) How do these differences influence feelings of comfort/discomfort in relationships between people in a variety of settings?
(c) What are the challenges and benefits to develop inclusive multicultural organisations and societies? Give suggestions.

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