Addresses learning outcome(s):

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. Understand the roles of government and business in pursuing social and economic goals;

  1. Contrast theoretical traditions about and global approaches to the economic role of government;
  2. Relate political, social and economic changes to changes in the national and global environments;
  3. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the ways that business and government respond to the dynamics of globalisation; and
  4. Undertake projects requiring research, analysis and the effective communication of the results in writing.


Students are required to write an academic essay of 1,500 words, answering one of the essay questions below. Your essay must follow appropriate academic essay structure (introduction, description, analysis and conclusion) with the inclusion of a clear thesis statement that indicates an argument and addresses the essay question. Headings are not to be used in this essay.


Choose and answer one (1) of the following essay questions:

  1. Compare the welfare OR healthcare OR public transport system in two countries. Analyse the government-business relationship and explain why one system is more effective than the other. Draw upon relevant unit theory to support your answer.


  1. Explain the government-business relationship in the car manufacturing industry in Australia. Did the government make the right decision to no longer provide financial support to the struggling industry? Why/why not?


  1. Tesla’s innovation has opened up new market opportunities within the automotive industry. How has the automotive industry responded to the new competition? What should the government’s role be? Protecting already established industries and jobs, supporting new innovative and sustainable businesses, or leaving it to the market and consumer demand?


  1. Are passive industry policies more effective than anticipatory industry policies? Discuss, using examples from the Global Financial Crisis and drawing upon the concepts taught in this unit.


  1. Is government or business best placed to address climate change? Discuss, using examples and drawing upon the concepts taught in this unit.


Students are to write their essay in full prose, using appropriate paragraphs (approximately 100-150 words each paragraph), and a variety of high quality, academic sources (references). A minimum of 10 references is required for this essay. The types of sources that you may wish to draw upon, with the highest quality references being academic journal articles and books, include:


  1. Academic journal articles;
  2. Academic books, including edited books;
  3. Reports from international institutions such as the OECD and World Bank;
  4. News media articles;
  5. Government websites; and
  6. Websites from businesses, industry groups, consumer groups or professional bodies.


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