Imagine that the company’s leaders ask you for advice on how to build a diverse and inclusive workforce that allows it to leverage the potential of its diverse employees to enhance the company’s performance. What would be your advice? Answer this question in 300 words (support your arguments with key research findings on diversity management) Question 2 Week 6 Tutorial 7 (7 marks) Do you think expectancy theory is too complex for direct use in organisational settings? Why or why not? (Discuss your opinion and support your claim/argument with key research findings) Answer this question in 300 words Question 3 Week 7: Tutorial 8 (7 marks) Define and describe different types of teams that exist in organisations. Explain the factors responsible for building successful teams in contemporary organisations. (Support your claim/arguments with key research findings) Answer this question in 300 words Question 4 Week 8: Tutorial 9 (7 marks) What are the basic assumptions of contingency theories of leadership? Discuss three key contingency theories (Support your claim/arguments with key research findings) Answer this question in 300 words

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