Reflective Questions (30 points)
Limit your answers to one paragraph or less. You may do research but your writing must be your own; your answers may be checked for plagiarism.
- Explain the difference between a statically allocated array, a dynamically allocated array, and a linked list.
- Linked lists have terrible performance for random access or searching of internal entries. Why?
- Explain the advantages of adding a tail pointer to a linked list, and of doubly-linked over singly-linked lists.
Introductory Performance Analysis (20 points)
- A simple sorting algorithm has quadratic It takes three minutes to sort a list of 10,000 entries. How long do you expect it to take to sort a list of 100 entries? How did you arrive at your answer?
- A binary searching algorithm has logarithmic It takes a second to find an item in a list of 10,000 entries. How long do you expect it to take to find an item in a list of 10,000,000 entries? How did you arrive at your answer?
- A naïve searching algorithm took a second to find an item in a list of 500 entries and two seconds to find an item in a list of 1,000 entries. Estimate its runtime in terms of entries, in milliseconds. How did you arrive at your answer?
- An unknown searching algorithm took a second to find an item in a list of 500 entries, two seconds to find an item in a list of 5,000 entries, and three seconds to find an item in a list of 50,000 entries. Estimate its runtime in big- How did you arrive at your answer?
Dynamic Memory Management (25 points)
With the following structures allocated:
typedef struct {
char *name;
int commonality;
int weight;
} monster;
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *description;
double area;
int nmonsters;
monster *monsters;
} region;
typedef struct {
char *name;
double diameter;
int nregions;
region *regions;
} planet;
- Write functions to free all memory allocated for a planet, its child regions, and their child monsters.
- The functions should call each other as appropriate – use functions to free enclosed structures.
- Don’t free any memory that wouldn’t have been allocated.
- Don’t free anything more than once.
- Don’t worry about headers.
- Your function prototypes should be:
void dispose_monster(monster *monster);
void dispose_region(region *region);
void dispose_planet(planet *planet);
Linked Lists (25 points)
Coding: 15 points
With the following structures defined:
struct monster_struct {
char *name;
int commonality;
int weight;
struct monster_struct *next;
typedef struct monster_struct monster;
typedef struct monster_list {
monster *head;
- Write functions to return the second-most-common monster and the third-lightest monster in the list.
- Don’t worry about headers.
- Don’t worry about which way to resolve ties.
- The list will always have three monsters in it.
- Your function prototypes should be:
monster *second_most_common(monster_list *ml);
monster *third_lightest(monster_list *ml);
Analysis: 10 points
- In big-terms what is the performance of each function? Why?
- Would either adding a tail pointer to the list, or making it a doubly-linked list, increase performance? Why or why not?