1. With the aid of diagram, describe amoeboid movement
2. (a) Explain Binomial nomenclature
(b) (i) What is the common name for man?
(ii) Classify man into phylum, class, genus, and species
3. Explain the significance of the following:
(a) Gastrulation
(b) Cephalisation
(c) Metamerism
4. Discuss the economic importance:
(a) Molluscs
(b) Arthropods
5. State and explain the steps involved in scientific research method
6. (a) Name the five kingdom system classification by L. Margulis and karlene Schwartz.
(b) Explain the three factors that led to a shift from the two kingdom system to the five kingdom system
7. (a) Tabulate the differences between class cestoda, tremoda and in terms of the body cavity; sex and digestive system.
(b) Give the classes of the following organisms:
(i) “gut footed” Molluscs
(ii) Annelids with no setae and no parapodia; with anterior and posterior suckers
(iii) Organism whose skeleton is made of sponging and silica.
8. Draw a diagram to show the evolutionary relations of animals (pylogenetic tree )
9. (a) Distinguish between acoelous; pseudocoelous and coelous organism
(b) Tabulate FOUR differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism
10. (a) Name the five level of organization in the animal complexity.
(c) Explain why metazoan cell is not the equivalent of the protozoan cell
11. Give one MAJORT distinguishing feature of each of the groups below:
(a) Protozoan (b) Porifera (c) Coelenterata (d) Rotifera
(e) Chordata (f) Echinodermata (g) Artropoda

12. (a) State tree lines of evidence for phylogenetic relations of molluscs and annelids
(b) Describe the functions of the following cells:
(i) Choanocyte (ii) amebocyte (iii) pinacocyte




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