1) “The ADA specifies what employers, government agencies, and managers of public facilities (including sport facilities) must do to ensure people with disabilities are not unfairly excluded from social life” (Ammon, Southall & Nagel, 2010 p. 81). How might you train your staff to be on ADA compliance and how to empathetically help disabled patrons have a great fan experience? What challenges exist in this endeavor from an organizational management perspective? How can you overcome these challenges to ensure your facility and staff is ADA compliant in a positive manner? You are to use at least 3 references to formulate your initial reply.


Ammon, R., Southall, R. M., & Nagel, M. (2010). Sports Facility Management. West Virginia: West Virginia University.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

2)Attached as a Word Document is a sports contract where you will insert information ONLY WHERE YOU SEE RED.

Basically, you are the athlete or celebrity but in the contract you are listed as the STUDENT. You are to choose who the sponsor is (it can be Coca-Cola, Red Bull, Under Armour, etc.) who wants you to represent them at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Most important is clause 2 titled “Specific Requirements.” List at least 3 requirements that the sponsor and you agree to (it can be to come to a venue, hospitality center, go to a club, or anything), details and dates of those requirements also. Also, look at clause 3.1 and insert any special conditions you require such as specific lodging, foods, travel arrangements, etc.

Use your imagination here. Remember, YOU ARE BIG TIME!!!. If you want only a 5 star hotel, driven in a limousine or flown over to Japan with first class tickets then IT HAS TO BE IN THE CONTRACT. IF YOU DON’T ASK, YOU DON’T GET.

Upload and attach your completed contract in your initial post (it is too large to be pasted).

Aside from this please:

  • Discuss/speculate what one possible breach of this contract might be.
  • What might one remedy for this possible breach would be?

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

3)Week 5 Forum | Lawsuits and Litigation in Sports

Lawsuits in sport and recreation have increased over the past 10 to 15 years. List two factors that you believe could explain this increase. How could risk management plans control these factors and concomitantly eliminate some of the litigation? Support your responses with specific examples and/or references. At least one of your references must come from the Sports Litigation Alert. To get to the Sports Litigation Alert you can find sample issues of the Sports Litigation Alert here: http://www.sportslitigationalert.com/sample.html

In the library you will see links for SPORTDiscus with Full Text. You can do your forum using SPORTDiscus under “Selected Databases” under “Articles/Journals”. Let me know if you have any questions.

So you can use the Sports Litigation Alert or another source from SPORTDiscus.

Dr. Doukas

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of the page under the “Forums” link on the course navigation panel.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

4)Please review the attached PowerPoint presentation on crowd management. Then, answer the following questions:

  • Explain how crowd management and risk management differ.
  • Name some crowd management problems that you have observed either on television or in person and explain how they were dealt with.
  • How can cell phone technology (smart phones) help with crowd management, if at all?
  • In the past crowd managers have had to deal with crushes, mosh pits, alcohol, terrorism and other issues.
  • What additional issues might a crowd management team have to deal with in the next 10 years?

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of the page under the “Forums” link on the course navigation panel.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

5)“Concessions include food service management (food and beverage sales) as well as the sale of merchandise” (Ammon, Southall & Nagel, 2010 p. 225). Describe at least one recent trend in concession management. Explain the significance of this trend, describe benefits for patrons, and predict the future of this trend. Support your responses with real examples and/or sources.

Ammon, R., Southall, R. M., & Nagel, M. (2010). Sports Facility Management. West Virginia: West Virginia University.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of the page under the “Forums” link on the course navigation panel.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

6) We are now in the final week of the course. Identify one staff position associated with facility management that you would want to be part of. First, list the title of that specific position. Next, identify and describe the duties involved with that specific job title. Then, explain if this is a job you would consider doing in the future? Why or Why not? Please review your classmates post prior to responding and attempt to use an original job title in your response.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of the page under the “Forums” link on the course navigation panel.

Please review the specific forum directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the forum grading rubric, at the top of this page under the heading of “Forum Guidelines.” Please be sure to support your facts with citations and sources. Also, as a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please provide the URL of any online resource(s) you utilize.

7.)This week’s assignment is a fun one. You will do a paper on a stadium or arena of your choice (1 – 2 pages) but YOU MUST DISCUSS the following (Be sure to have read the resources in “lessons” before starting this forum.).  The assignment should begin with an APA-format title page and references should be cited in APA format both at the end of the paper and in-text where the references are used. Please use each item below as a header for its respective section: 

· Tickets

· Luxury Suites and Club Seating

· Concessions

· Parking

· Licensed Merchandise

· Sponsorships

· Media

IF the following information is available try including: 

· Taxes

· Mortgage and Rent

· Insurance

· And Outsourcing

You must have at least 3 references for this assignment. You can have as many references as you like (above three references).  

8)This assignment will provide an outline of your final project.
Below is a sample outline. Remember that under the directions of the final project (see directions under assignment – Final Project) there are requirements for what to have in your project. BE SURE TO FOLLOW THOSE DIRECTIONS. Please provide one (1) paragraph for each heading below:

1. Overview of the facility’s operation

2. Risk Matrix

3. Identify TEN (10) specific risks
4. Indicate Indemnification

5. Waivers

6. ANY type of facility will have hundreds of risks associated with it. You are required to cover only 10.

7. Narrative regarding risk reduction procedures.

8. Personnel management

9. Discuss their emergency procedures.

10. Compliance with the ADA
11. Crowd Management plan

12. Conclusion/summar

13. References

9) see risk analysis attachment



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