(When you answer these questions, pretend that you are explaining or teaching the answer to a friend who is not in the class. Doing that will force you to put in LOTS more background information than you would if you were trying to answer it for your instructor.)
a. What is the difference between a necessary and a sufficient condition?
b. Could a necessary condition also be a sufficient one? If so, give an example.
c. Could a sufficient condition also be necessary? If so, explain using the concepts we have discussed in this chapter, and give an example.
d. Explain how a condition that is sufficient might not also be necessary. Give an example to illustrate your answer.
e. If you assert that Jones is a millionaire, are you also asserting that Jones meets all of the conditions that are necessary for being a millionaire? Are you asserting that Jones meets all of the conditions that are sufficient? Explain.
f. What conditions are necessary and sufficient for a conjunction to be true? What about for a disjunction to be true?