Is it fair for consumers? How does it affect the economic efficiency? Should the government prevent price discrimination? Give three different examples of price discrimination that you observe on campus and/or in Colchester. Discuss each case in details. 
Assignment length: 1,000 words (excluding texts in diagrams, tables, and equations). This assignment should be typed with double-spaced on A4 paper. with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Marking criteria: The relevant marking criteria can be found in the following page. Additional information: e.g: The essay should be well structured, with a clear introduction and conclusion, and your argument should be supported by information and evidence from various sources. The diagrams (and/or equations) relevant to topic must be included. Essay without any diagrams will be deducted the marks.
Students can either:
(i) Draw diagrams (and/or equations) by hand, take a picture and then attach into the essay. Make sure the quality of picture is bright and clear: or
(ii) Use Microsoft Word to create diagrams (and/or equations). The relevant diagrams and equations should be created by simply using ‘insert/shape’ and ‘insert/equation’ menu in Microsoft Word. You can learn how to do these from (diagrams tutorial) and (equations tutorial).