ENEG20001 Australian Engineering Practice

Term 1, 2019


Individual Reflective Paper 3 [10 Marks]

6. Lead or participate collaboratively in a team (500 – 700 words)

Explain a situation where you have had to collaborate and teach a team. This might be in any situation like sports, study, works in industry, etc. Explain your contribution and collaborative principle. What could be the problems and advantages?

7. Demonstrate critical self-review, self-management and lifelong learning XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Summarise key changes that you believe you would need to make to your work behaviours to be a more effective engineer in your country or in another country where you might be doing engineering. Demonstrate and explain your critical self-review, self-management and lifelong learning process.

1. Reflection
2. Concepts
3. Presentation and language
4. Referencing

Note that writing tasks must be deemed acceptable if they are to be used as evidence in the Portfolio. If a writing task is deemed not acceptable, you should discuss how you might improve your submission with your facilitator.



Writing task Comments

ENEG20001 Australian Engineering Practice

Term 1, 2019


Individual Reflective Paper 3 [10 Marks]

Lead or participate collaboratively in a team (500 – 700 words)


Explain a situation where you have had to collaborate and teach a team. This might be in any situation like sports, study, works in industry, etc. Explain your contribution and collaborative principle. What could be the problems and advantages?


Demonstrate critical self-review, self-management and lifelong learning (500 – 700 words)


Summarise key changes that you believe you would need to make to your work behaviours to be a more effective engineer in your country or in another country where you might be doing engineering. Demonstrate and explain your critical self-review, self-management and lifelong learning process.



Criteria Acceptable
1. Reflection Reflection shows the student has considered ‘What, So what, What else, What now’
2. Concepts Shows good understanding of concepts as presented in the textbook.
3. Presentation and language Neatly presented with appropriate headings. Language, grammar and spelling are suitable.

The intent of the writing is clear. Sentences flow logically.

4. Referencing Includes in-text citations and reference list where appropriate, including referencing textbook.

Any sources used are reliable. Harvard referencing style is used.

Note that writing tasks must be deemed acceptable if they are to be used as evidence in the Portfolio. If a writing task is deemed not acceptable, you should discuss how you might improve your submission with your facilitator.



Writing task Acceptable Comments
6 Yes/ No  
7 Yes/ No  


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