Exercise Background You may choose either of the exercise variations below. We tend to favor Variation 1 because theexercise is usually more useful if you can relate to real job requirements on a personal level. Variation 1. If you currently work or have worked in the past, select two jobs with which you havesome familiarity. Try to select one job that entails relatively low levels of skill, responsibility,education, and pay and one job that entails relatively high levels in the same categories. Variation 2. If you’ve never worked or you’re not personally familiar with an array of jobs, assumethat you’re a manager of a small manufacturing plant. You need to hire people to fill two jobs. Onejob is for a plant custodian to sweep floors, clean bathrooms, empty trash cans, and so forth. Theother job is for an office manager who will supervise a staff of three clerks and secretaries,administer the plant payroll, and coordinate the administrative operations of the plant.Identify the indicators or predictors of whether a given individual can perform each job.
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