Please address the following specifications for the paper. Write in APA format (no abstract necessary). Include introduction, content wit proper citations and references.
Address all parts of the requirements for the paper

Requirements for paper:

After the first semester teaching a course, analysis of assessment results shows students either significantly under-achieve based on course standards, or they over-achieve. Define the chosen scenario and describe a detailed course evaluation plan. In your analysis, include initial standards, goals, learning objectives, assessments (formative and/or summative), teaching philosophy, and instructional design model. Describe changes you would make to the original course design (each aspect listed) and the process you would use to determine the most appropriate modifications.

Reference book (read chapter 15, 16, & 18)

Suskie, L. (2009). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: John
Wiley & Sons.

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