Question 1: Object Profit Weight A 10 2 B 5 3 C 15 5 D 7 7 E 6 1 F 18 4 G 10 8 Maximum weight = 15 The above problem is a 0/1 Knapsack problem. Here there are 7 different objects labelled from A to G. The objective of this problem is to carry the different objects in your bag in such a way such that the profit is maximized. But you have to make sure that your bag does not exceed the maximum weight. Remember you can carry an object exactly once. Now it is your job to use Genetic Algorithm so solve this problem and get the optimal answer. 1. Encode the problem and create an initial population of 4 different chromosomes 2. Perform natural selection to choose the fittest 2 chromosomes (think of an appropriate fitness function) 3. Perform a single point crossover to get 2 offspring 4. Perform mutation and check the fitness of the final offspring
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