1. ? Explain.

2. Should American firms abroad adhere to American antidiscrimination policies even if those policies might put the American firms at a competitive disadvantage or offend the values and mores of the host country? Explain.

3. John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital excluded all job applicants whose weight exceeded the maximum desirable weight (based on Metropolitan Life’s actuarial survey) for large-framed men and women plus 30 percent of that weight. Sandra Murray claimed she was denied a job as a respiratory therapist because her height-to-weight ratio did not meet the guidelines. Murray did not claim to be morbidly obese.

a. Explain the plaintiff’s argument.

b. Did the hospital violate the ADA? Explain. See Murray v. John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital, 50 F.Supp.2d 1368 (M.D. Ga. 1999).


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