Assignment 2: Employee Development and Performance 
Due Week 6 and worth 170 points

Continuing from Assignment 1, you were selected as the new HR director for the retail company and now have been in the position for approximately 6 months. Your approach to strategy, planning, and selection have been quite successful thus far, and now it is time to address the organization’s expectation for performance and development of employees since these components of HR strategy are critical in achieving business outcomes and success.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

  • Critically analyze and discuss any researched (web or textbook) training process model you may consider for use in developing employees (here’s an idea: or exhibit 7-1, page 230 in the text book). Then, identify and discuss some possible challenges that might be faced in implementing a new training process in the company.
  • List and briefly discuss at least three (3) types or methods of training that can be used for employee training. Of the 3, which would you select to train the retail employees, and why? Be specific.
  • Differentiate the concept of performance management and performance appraisal with three (3) to four (4) key points. Then, make your case to leadership for or against using annual performance appraisals in the organization. Be specific with your perspective.
  • Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:
    1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. Use the Strayer University Library at to locate additional sources to support your work.

The specific course outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Review the human resource management function of training and development and the function’s importance to business strategy.
  • Evaluate the importance of the performance appraisal process and how it is a key component of business strategy.


Training and Development


Based on your review, please respond to the following:

The CEO has approved funding for your project to create a training and development system for the organization. She now wants you to explain your process on how you will create training programs for the new system and why your process will add value to the company. NOTE: You are addressing a CEO and not regular employees so keep your response both strategic and high level.

NOTE: You may not use more than 2 references for your response, and you must comment to a minimum of 1 other student’s response.

Discussion 2

Performance Management / Appraisal


Based on your review, please respond to the following:

Specifically focus on the elements of performance tools (there are 6 noted). Select any 3 of the elements as being the absolute elements that must be part of your performance tools if you are in charge of developing the performance management strategy. Be sure to explain why you selected your choices.

NOTE: You may not use more than 2 references for your response, and you must comment to a minimum of 1 other student’s response.

Discussion 3

Legal & Unions


Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook):


Next, analyze the case and provide an overview of key points or discussions. An overview is not a detailed description or regurgitated statements from the case, but instead key points in the caseThen, make 2 recommendations for improvements for any parts of the case (think like an HR leader). Saying that someone should have did this, or what you would have done are not considered improvements.


  • One to three small sentence-responses for analyzing the cases are not considered substantive.
  • You may only have no more than two references for your response and each must be appropriately cited in the words.
  • You may not copy and paste any part of another student’s response as part of your response.
  • For this course, you must comment to a minimum of 2 other students’ responses…No Exceptions!
  • Although not mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to make your initial post by Wednesday of each week so that you have plenty of time to respond to your classmates.

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