So, what am I looking for with this paper anyhow? I would like you to pick a topic related to Environmental Science and tell me about it. This can be EITHER a descriptive paper OR an opinion piece. ANY topic related to Environmental Science is open for discussion, however you do need to tell me your topic and/or thesis before you start.
Things this paper MUST have:
This is a college paper and I am expecting college work. Therefore, I need a clear thesis statement and AT LEAST three legitimate journal sources (however use as many as you would like – please note Wikipedia is NOT a legitimate source). Aim for 5 pages as you should be able to get that much material with three sources. If you are doing an opinion piece make sure I know what your opinion is and why you think that way. I have no preference APA or MLA style, however make sure you cite correctly whichever style you prefer.
An excellent rubric on college level writing done by Bakersfield College can be found here:
Examples of topics by category: (Feel free to use these, however also feel free to get your own…)
Climate Change
There are several different ways that you can go with this – you can either talk about
- What it is, how and why the climate may be changing (informative)
- Where you stand on the topic – using facts and evidence (opinion or persuasive)
- Effects on ecology, economics, social implications, etc
Hunting and fishing
Is this good or bad? Should we hunt for management, should we use another strategy. Should we regulate which species we can take? You can keep this local or make it international (Cecil the Lion?)) Don’t forget environmental and ecological effects of hunting
Mining and resource management
What are the effects of long term mining or resource management. Look at ecological environmental economic, etc.
Pick an organism – tell me about an endangered or threatened organism – describe it, how did it get endangered, plans to rehabilitate it.
Environmental or ecological catastrophies: Aral Sea, Deep Water Horizon, Chernoblyl, Love Canal, etc.
Peak Oil (for all of you business majors – ) what is it? When will we reach it? Have we already reached it?
Environmental effects of subsidies – on farming, on gas, on oil, etc.
Carbon Banking, what is it and does it work?
GMOs – what are they, should they be banned? Should we use them?
Or a topic of your own choosing – though please let me know before you start so that I can vet the topic.