Those questions in below should be used as a guide. You do not have to try to answer all the questions, but at least I hope some of the questions help you focus your discussion better.
How many references? I’d say up to 10 would be good. I’d sugest you also consult other writings about EFA. Aaron Banavot has written about EFA, as well
what is driving the global take-up of EFA?
What approach are you taking in making sense of this question?
Rationalist, legitimacy or coercion?
Do countries around the world adopt EFA because they believe that it actually addresses real issues?
Or do they adopt it to be seen as a legitimate state?
Or do they do so because of the need to secure external funding?
That is, are they coerced into this by the financial power of international donors/partners?
Try to be clear on this
What is the international policy context out of which the policy/program has emerged?
What international policy documents relevant to the program/policy have you identified?
How do they justify the program/policy?
·What is the national policy context out of which the policy/program has emerged?
What formal policy documents relevant to the policy/program have you identified? How do they justify the introduction of the new intervention?
· What are the questions that you wish to raise about how the program/policy is justified?
Which of the readings might help you answer the questions?
· What research studies have you identified that look at the possible consequences of the intervention?
I hope this clarifies everything.