Evaluate Hobbes’s objection against Descartes concerning the nature of the mind

(“Objection II”) and Descartes’s response to it.



  1. Answer the question given, not any other question that may be related to it.
  2. Write clearly. Do not assume the reader knows the answers to these questions. Write your essay as if it is for an audience who is intelligent enough to understand your essay, but is not familiar with the concepts involved.
  3. Use quotations sparingly, i.e., three lines a page at most. When you are inclined to quote, paraphrase instead, i.e., explain the same point in your own words. But you still need to give reference.
  4. If you are not sure how to make references, please refer to ‘MLA referencing guide’ on MRU Library website. In your exposition of Descartes’s and Hobbes’s views your references should merely be to our textbook, not any other source. If you do not have a copy of the textbook, you should use the library copy to locate your references.
  5. Present your ideas in a logical order, not in the form of a free association of ideas.
  6. In your evaluation, express your views, using phrases such as, “I argue that… for the following reason…” or “One reason why I maintain … is that …”. Support your ideas by textual evidence. The expression of your views should not be merely a list of questions or complaints. Complaints are welcome as long as they are grounded by reasons. Questions are welcome only if you answer them right away. Do not expect the reader to answer them for you, i.e., no rhetorical questions.
  7. Your essay should start with an introductory paragraph. An introductory paragraph, for this course, is one which merely states the topic of the essay and the argument of the author. It does not say anything else. The author states her argument by telling the reader which position she will argue for and what her reasons are.
  8. You should end your essay with a concluding paragraph. A concluding paragraph restates what you’ve argued for and why; and it may also point to an interesting question that the author thinks arises out of her evaluation.
  9. ‘Works Cited’ section needs to be the last page of your assignment. It should have its own page even if it is one line.
  10. No need for title page. Please include a header with your student number.
  11. Edit your essay. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Ensure that your essay expresses the ideas that you intended it to.
  12. Minimum 950 – Maximum 1000 words, 12 font, Times New Roman, Spacing: 1.5, normal margins.
  13. It is a three-page essay, with the format above. The first half of the paper should be your introduction and exposition of Hobbes’s objection and Descartes’s response to it. The second half of the paper should be a discussion of your argument.
  14. Do not leave space between paragraphs. Indent each paragraph. No subheadings. Number your pages. Word file please, not pdf.
  15. An electronic AND a hard copy. The electronic copy is due by February 15th by 2 p.m. on BlackBoard. You may submit it any time before then. If you do not know how to upload your essay on BlackBoard, please visit the START lab for assistance. The hard copy is due by 2.30 p.m. in class the same day.



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