Department of E-Commerce

Assignment for ECOM 421

E-Business Strategies and Business Models

Assignment No. 1

Course: E-Com 421 Student Name:
CRN: Students ID:
Academic Year: 1440-41 Student Grade:
Semester: 2nd Level of The Mark: High/ Mid/Low
Instructor’s Name:

Assignment No. 1: Application Based Question (10 Marks)

Prepare a Business Model Canvas of any one from the following companies:

1. Bank Albilad is a Saudi joint stock company, established vide Royal Decree 48/M on 21/9/1425H (corresponding to 4 November 2004) with a corporate capital of 7,500,000,000 Saudi Riyals.

2. Albaik is a major fast food restaurant chain in Saudi Arabia that primarily sells broasted chicken and shrimp with a variety of sauces. It is one of the major consumers of chicken in Saudi Arabia.

3. Jarir Bookstore is a Saudi Arabian establishment founded by Abdulrahman Nasser Al-Agil. In its early years, the bookstore dealt in used books and art sold by expats living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Since then; it has grown to be the largest retailer of books and consumer electronics in Saudi Arabia.

4. Launched in the UAE in May 2004, Max was established in India in 2006, opening its first store in Indore. Now, Max India has a reach that extends to over 60 cities. Boasting a loyal customer base of over 5.5 million, Max is the most profitable value fashion format in the region.

5. Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) was established in 2004 by a consortium led by Etisalat, the UAE based telecom conglomerate. Mobily is the official brand name of Etihad Etisalat, renowned as the second mobile service provider in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The awarded 25-Year telecommunication mobile license was complemented by a subsequent purchase of a 3G license. Mobily is the 1st Saudi communications company to get an operation license for 3rd generation services and beyond.

Due Dates and Grading

Assessment Date of release Due date of submission from the students Grade Allocation
Assignment-1 (Application Based Questions) End of 3rd Week End of 7th Week 10

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