

Dresses were introduced a very long time ago and during ancient times. With time the well-defined social groups created the importance of dresses. In the ancient world dresses from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Eutrusca inspired modern-day dresses. Initially dresses defined distinction within communities and countries. were created for its functionality and comfort (Chilton, 2020). In the 19th century, dresses had puffy silhouettes and oversized. Later the dresses had steel wires under the skirt to frame the dresses. In the mid-1900s, women began wearing knee-length dresses and more tomboy clothes were worn. During World War II dresses were made short to conserve material due to rations. Later on, dresses that accentuated the woman’s figure and waist were introduced. Now dresses come in various styles and shapes and for different seasons. I chose a dress because they are very versatile. believe they are the best garment for women as it shows their femininity and silhouettes well (ArtTECA, 2018).


Source: (Chilton, 2020)



ArtTECA. (2018, May 24). The history of dresses. Retrieved from: https:// artteca.com/blogs/artteca/the-history-of-dresses

Charlotte, C. (2020, February 21). The evolution of dresses through the ages. Harper’s BAZAAR. Retrieved from: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/g30715740/


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