Introduction (5-10% of the paper)Much like a speech’s introduction, your paper should set the stage for the analysis tocome. Gain our attention, briefly orient us to your topic, and clearly state your mainargument or critical interpretation surrounding your organization’s involvement with asocial problem. Illuminate why you chose this specific organization and frame why it isworthy of analysis for your readers; don’t forget to preview your main points to come!B. Identification of Power (5-10% of the paper)This portion of the paper is where you will specifically identify the issue of power your paperis examining. Identify at least one of the issues of areas of power (class, hegemony, privilege,patriarchy, or micro aggressions) we discussed in class. Define the issue of power, e.g. explainwhat hegemony or patriarchy is and why you want to examine it.C. Social Change Issue (10-15% of the paper)Describe the social change your organization is attempting to address. Give us a vision ofthe issue and its impacts. From an outsider’s perspective (so not just using information fromyour organization), evidence why this is socially significant and the underlying imbalanceof power entangled in this social issue. In addition to capturing this problem generally, makesure you include multiple, potentially conflicting viewpoints as you establish this socialissue, including voices like academic experts, those working to change the problem, andthose affected by the problem themselves.D. Organization’s Intervention (15-20% of the paper)Now that we know some power issue or inequality exists, explain what it is exactly yourorganization is doing to change this problem. Beyond the actions that your organization iscarrying out, you need to also think about how power is communicated in their work.?Who is carrying out the social change, and how was that decided??How is creativity and constraint handled in this organization’s work??Who gets to make decisions regarding social change??Which groups were (or weren’t) consulted before enacting this social change?E.Implications (25-35% of the paper)Within this section you will explore the potential outcomes of the social change theorganization is confronting. While you obviously cannot address all of the followingquestions in your paper, our hope is they position you to the type of thinking, conclusions,and arguments you should be making.?What did we learn about organizational communication, negotiation, power,and/or social change from this paper??Is this an effective, democratic means of tackling this problem??Does this form of social change actually address its causes? ?Which voices are present in this work and why??Is the organization actually accomplishing the goals they believe they are??How are power differentials affecting this organization’s effectiveness or theending of the social problem??Which groups are empowered / constrained by this social change??How might that limit their goals??Does this organization create more social problems or inequalities whileattempting to fix this issue?F.Evaluation (15-25% of the paper)Finally, you will evaluate the success or failures of the organization and its social change. Thisis not an opinion, but rather an evaluation. You should not be answering whether or not youlike the organization, but what they did well or what they needed to improve upon. This is achance for you to demonstrate your critical thinking and creativity as OrganizationalDetectives.G.Conclusion (5-10% of the paper)Your conclusion should bring the paper to a fulfilling close. Summarize the main points of thepaper. Leave us with a memorable message.

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