Do you think Jack is ready to serve as a project manager? Why or why not? How could Jack have prepared for his new role? 2. What is the major problem with the way Jack interacts with Alfreda? 3. Why do you think Alfreda hasn’t had an open discussion with Jack about the way he’s treating her? If Alfreda approaches Jack directly, how do you think he will respond? 4. How do you think the manager of electrical engineering will respond to this situation? What should the manager do? Codeword is a medium-size firm that designs and manufactures electronic systems for the mass transit industry. It competes with other firms to win contracts to provide such systems. When Codeword receives a contract, it creates a project to complete the work. Most projects range from $10 million to $50 million in cost and from one to three years in duration. Codeword can have 6 to 12 projects going on at any one time, in various stages of completion—some just starting and others finishing.

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