1. Do a search for media releases related to the issue. You might search for media releases written by your organisation, or other organisations interested in the issue. List at least two of the media releases you found here (with links): 2. For both media releases, outline; • What language is used when talking about the issue? • What was the overall tone of the media release (was it positive, negative or neutral)? 3. Do a search for media articles relating to the issue. Consider articles in the mainstream media as well as other media outlets. List at least three of the articles you found (with links): 4. Select two of the articles you found and conduct a media content analysis on both. For each article, outline; • The audience reach (is it a mainstream media article? Who do you think is their general audience?) • Was the source of the article clear? • Did your selected organisation receive a mention in the article? • What was the overall tone of the article (was it positive, negative or neutral?) • Who was quoted in the article? Were their comments in support of the issue, or opposing the issue? • Discuss how the information provided in the media releases you investigated above was replicated or represented in any of the articles

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