The world’s oceans contain a vast repository of energy. Your group has been tasked to determine which would provide more energy: mining the uranium in the ocean to use in fission reactors, or mining the deuterium in the ocean to use in fusion reactors. Divide your group into two halves and find the available energy in the ocean from each source. Group (i): Fission fuel. Seawater contains 3.00 mg of uranium per cubic meter. About 0.700% of naturally occurring uranium is the fissionable isotope 235U. Group (ii): Fusion fuel. Of all the hydrogen in the oceans, 0.030 0% of the mass is deuterium. Two deuterons fuse to form helium in the form 4 2He. Assume all the deuterium in the oceans is fused to form helium. For both groups, use the fact that the average ocean depth is about 4.00 km and water covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface.

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