Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Summarize the theories and philosophies that shape modern political thought.
1.1 Distinguish between political theory and political philosophy.
1.2 Identify the thinkers associated with liberalism.
5. Summarize key concepts in political science.
5.1 Explain the concept of the social contract.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 2 reading
Unit II Scholarly Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 2 reading
Unit II Scholarly Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 2 reading
Additional Reading Assignment
Unit II Scholarly Activity

Reading Assignment
Chapter 2: Political Philosophy and Its Offshoot: Political Science
Additional Reading Assignments
Click the following links to access the resources below:
Social Contract. (n.d.). In New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Please read pp. 449-456 in the following resource to learn more about liberalism.
Walker, T. (2008). Two faces of liberalism: Kant, Paine, and the question of intervention. International
Studies Quarterly, 52(3), 449–456. Retrieved from:

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