This assignment is  two paragraph summary and two paragraph reflection based on parts of the weekly readings. Please read this week’s three articles regarding Michigan Standards, the pdf of the flyer regarding the NEW Michigan Science Standards, the Michigan Standards website, the CCSS, and Early Childhood Math Instruction (posted). Share a summary of some of the information in these articles and a reflection regarding what you could do in an early childhood classroom to support the goals and requirements outlined in these articles

As you discuss your insights and perceptions about the reading material, connect the reading to your observations in the classroom.  When you borrow information from the textbook or other course reading materials such as articles etc., (summarized information, paraphrased information, or direct quotations), include the page number or paragraph number (if online) in your citation.

If you include information from any other outside sources, you must also provide an APA citation and appropriate in-text documentation for that source.

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