1. Discuss ways an enrolled nurse could identify needs of the person in palliative care, and their family or carers, when providing palliative care support to them. Include in your response examples of specific assessment tools a nurse may use and common needs and preferences they must identify.
  1. Explore and discuss legislation on advance care planning, advance care directives and notification of a death in your State/Territory in relation to a person admitted in a hospice/aged care facility/hospital setting.

Include in your responses an enrolled nurse’s role in applying the legislation.

  1. Discuss diverse cultural, religious and spiritual factors underpinning the person’s choices at end-of-life using appropriate examples. How is this understanding vital in providing nursing care?
  1. Discuss the following ethical and legal issues related to a palliative care approach:
  • Decisions regarding advance care directives
  • Conflicts that may occur in relation to personal values and decisions made by or for the person
  • Organ donation
  • Request for autopsy

How could each of these ethical and legal issues affect your nursing practice?

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